Born in Seville in 1956 and began painting at 14 years. Studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts Santa Isabel from Hungary, Seville, specializing in painting. Ends the drawing teacher, who exercises some time in private school. Get a dozen awards of varying importance, three times solo exhibition in Seville, one in Cordoba and the other in Huelva. Huelva moves to take a few private students, and complete the Bachelor of Fine Arts. Because of a large family we serve as a very serious traffic accident, has had stoppages in artistic activity, especially, has been reluctant, for some time, to show their work to p public, and of course, to price it. Subjugated by mosaic, it investigdurante a couple of years, based on making their own tiles. Has also devoted part of its activity to a pastel portrait. In the illustration. And even the prospect paint on walls, pretending and themed spaces for specific religious churches. Sometimes the game is cheating the viewer's eyes. As, pretending frameworks, such as borders of tiles or carved wood moldings. Make landscapes with different techniques always looking for new, because it refuses to be typecast as a portrait painter, which is what has been most sought lately. Since belongs to AAPOEM (Association of Huelva plastic artist Enrique Montenegro) has begun again to open his work to those who want to see it. Therefore, the April 2006 Exhibition reuniuna Antolgica in Coln House of Huelva. Currently, for his constant concern for all walks artistic, learn carving wood.